Friday, February 9, 2007

Would somebody tell me what the hell is going on?

I'm a little confused. I understand that [alleged] global warming could have affects which we don't really understand - we all agree on that, right? I find myself talking more and more about the subject of global warming at work with my co-workers, people I respect a great deal. This is great, right? Hey, at last we're all talking about it.

The debate centers around what is natural for Earth because, frankly, we are not really sure about Earth's 'natural course'. Are we having an impact on the temperature of Earth? Of course we are. However, statistics show that the Earth is warming at a rate of fractions of a degree over the last.. What? Hundred years?

Would somebody explain to me how the hell we are in a global 'warming' crisis but New York just got 8 feet of snow overnight? And have you looked at your electric bill this month for the Lewis-Clark Valley? Did anybody see the normal average daily temperature and last months average daily temperature? There is a 10 degree colder than normal difference! 10 degrees!

What the hell is going on and what am I supposed to believe? I'm shaky here. I want to do my part and will continue to do what my conscience tells me to do. However....

Read this weeks final page in Newsweek. "Nothing Americans can do will make a significant impact on the global climate while every 10 days China fires up a coal-fueled generating plant big enough to power San Diego. China will construct 2,200 new coal plants by 2030." (Will 72)

Are you kidding me? Would somebody tell me why I am putting on more clothes on, freezing my ass off, when the Chinese really don't seem to give a crap about global warming? I should crank up the thermostat and get naked, which is a hell of a lot more comfortable than putting this bulky sweater on.

Works Cited

Will, George F. Inconvenient Kyoto Truths. The Last Word. Newweek 12 Feb. 2007

Calgon, take me away...