Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Now THAT's what I'm talking about...

I am convinced I am going to like this class. Hopefully, scores are based more on spirited debate and participation, rather than the actual amount of homework I submit.

I admit, I am on auto pilot. I want out of school more than I'd like to share - face to face, that is. I took a different path through college, coming back to school after 15+ years of being in the work force. Things were going great then - WHAM! I lost my job. Such is life.

I am massively in debt now and I a scared. This big bill I'm going to exit school which is daunting and somewhat intimidating. My college repayment plan, added to my child support obligations - I fear I won't be able to get a job to support all this.

Ok, back to today. It was a great conversation. Personally, I wish we could just talk our way through this class. I have quite a bit of time to think and have no known limit of my opinions and observations, which I rarely hesitate to share to those who will listen. I guess my biggest problem is keeping my mouth shut sometimes. Do you disagree with what I say or think? All the better. I find it a great way to learn and grow. I hope, however, you don't take anything I say personally or get your feelings hurt. In advance, I apologize if you find this to be the case.

I respect you all and hope we will grow through our brief expoure to one another.

Ta-ta for now.